Karriereseite und Stellenangebote – PASSAUER WOLF Medizin fürs Leben


February 19, 2025: Specialists' Day for therapy and care at Passauer Wolf Bad Griesbach

Are you interested in a career in nursing or therapy? Regardless of whether you want to pursue training, further develop your professional career or start as a career changer - the skilled workers' day on February 19th (2 p.m. to 6 p.m.) in Passau's Wolf Bad Griesbach offers you insights and answers. Discover exciting career opportunities, make contacts and find out about nursing, speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

Become part of the Passauer Wolf Team.

For our locations in Bad Gögging, Bad Griesbach, Ingolstadt and Nittenau we are looking for individuals who work with passion. Individuals who develop and pursue ideas, uphold and live values, dedicate themselves and willingly take on the role of the host in a committed and caring manner. Become part of one of the leading centres for rehabilitation and medical care in Bavaria and effectively support our guests on their journey to renewed vitality.

Ready for a
meaningful task?

As part of the Passauer Wolf team, you carry out a crucial mission: You inspire and support, give strength and bring joy. For this valuable task, we create an environment in which work is enjoyable. With a structured, individual training, we assist you in quickly becoming part of the team. Flexible working hours enable you to balance your professional and private life. Furthermore, we place high importance on corporate health promotion, as well as regular group celebrations and events that bring us even closer together as a team.

More about Passauer Wolf


Years of experience

Specialised houses

Then convince us!

We are hiring in the areas of medicine, nursing, therapy, hospitality and administration. Search our job portal and apply online in just a few steps. We look forward to getting to know you.

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Sehr guter Arbeitgeber
Mein Arbeitgeber ist großartig. Er ist immer offen für Gespräche, falls wir Fragen oder Probleme haben, und zeigt viel Verständnis und Entgegenkommen gegenüber den Mitarbeitern. Ein Nachteil ist jedoch, dass das Essen in der Kantine sehr teuer ist. Mit einer Essensmarke im Wert von ca. 4,30 € haben wir nur zwei Gerichte zur Auswahl. Bei der Konkurrenz zahlen die Mitarbeiter 60 % weniger für das Essen, was es wirklich lohnenswert macht, in der Firma zu essen. Ein weiterer Nachteil ist, dass die Parkgebühren direkt vom Gehalt abgezogen werden. Meiner Meinung nach sollte die Firma diese Kosten vollständig übernehmen, da es für uns als Mitarbeiter eine finanzielle Belastung darstellt. Ein großes Manko war auch die Art und Weise, wie mein Bekannter eine Absage erhalten hat, als er sich bei der Firma beworben hat. Die Kommunikation war in diesem Fall nicht besonders freundlich. Trotzdem bin ich insgesamt zufrieden mit meinem Arbeitgeber und schätze die positiven Aspekte sehr.
Employee feedback from January 12, 2025
Guter Arbeitgeber
Insgesamt bin ich bis jetzt sehr zufrieden mit dem Passauer Wolf als Arbeitgeber. Ich bin sehr gut aufgenommen worden, die Arbeitsatmosphäre ist angenehm. Wünschenswert wären jedoch eine flexiblere Arbeitszeitgestaltung und eine Anlehnung des Tarifvertrages an den TVöD.
Employee feedback from January 9, 2025
Es war mir eine große Freude, mit Ihnen während des Vorstellungsgesprächs zusammenzuarbeiten. Ich schätze Ihre freundliche Begrüßung und Ihre positive Interaktion sehr. Ehrlich gesagt, Ihr professionelles Auftreten, Ihr stets freundliches Lächeln und Ihre Aufmerksamkeit für Details lassen jeden sich wohl und selbstbewusst fühlen. Vielen Dank für Ihre Wertschätzung und die großartige Kommunikation, die Sie gezeigt haben.
Applicant feedback from January 9, 2025
angenehmes Bewerbungsgespräch
Das Bewerbungsgespräch fand in einer angenehmen Atmosphäre statt. Einige Fragen fand ich etwas „veraltet“ Die Eckdaten wurden weitgehend gut vermittelt, man könnte dem Bewerber vielleicht einen kleinen Handzettel über die Arbeitsbedingungen, Urlaub, Bezahlung etc. mitgeben
Applicant feedback from January 9, 2025
Sehr gut
Gute Arbeitsbedingungen, empfehlenswert.
Employee feedback from January 2, 2025
Der arbeit ist ganz gut und das team ist toll, bin sehr zufrieden und ich will da bleiben.
Employee feedback from December 24, 2024
Zum Empfelen
Fort- und Weiterbildungen Möglichkeiten.Vorgesetzte immer da für Fragen. Kommunikation mit dem ganzen Team ist super flexible.
Employee feedback from December 15, 2024
Passt alles
Applicant feedback from December 12, 2024
Das Angebot fehlt
Es ist gut, dass ich mit einem Fachmann in meinem Beruf sprechen konnte, aber die Tatsache, dass das Angebot selbst nicht existierte, nur vage in Erinnerung blieb und nicht konkret war, machte die Reise nur zur Hälfte lohnenswert. Wer auch immer vom Personal war, musste einige Anforderungen und das Angebot auf den Tisch legen. Ich habe keine Kopien der Dokumente hinterlassen und das Angebot auch nicht. Ich wusste im Vorhinein nicht, dass es ein weiteres Treffen mit einer Person aus meinem Beruf für eine weitere Stellenpräsentation geben würde. Im Grunde wäre es ein komplettes erstes Date, das dieses Date nutzlos macht. Aber es ist sehr gut für mich, dass ich dort war und den Kontext gesehen habe. Es hat mir geholfen.
Applicant feedback from December 5, 2024
very remcommended
The working environment are fantastic everyone is friendly.
Employee feedback from November 30, 2024
Samples from 325 reviews

Our employer awards

»Highest fairness in the job 2024«

We were awarded the »Highest Fairness in Job 2024« seal by Deutschlandtest in the category »Rehab Clinics« for the second time in a row. As in the previous year, we achieved the maximum number of points of 100 points.

Learn more

»Top salary satisfaction 2024«

The »Top Salary Satisfaction 2024« ranking was published by the SZ Institute in collaboration with the largest German-speaking employer comparison platform, kununu. We made it into the top 10 in the category »Health/Social/Care«.

Learn more

»Highest employee development in 2024«

For our commitment to personnel development, we were recently awarded the »Highest Employee Development 2024« seal by the F.A.Z. Institute and the maximum number of 100 points in the category »Rehab Clinic Operator«.

Learn more

»Germany’s best training companies 2024«

We were recognized as an outstanding training company in the study »Germany’s Best Training Companies 2024« by Deutschlandtest and received top placement as a leading company in the category »Rehab Clinic Operator«.

Learn more

»Excellent Nursing Employer 2024/25«

In the study »Germany's Excellent Care Employers 2024/25« by Stern, all of our locations were awarded the top grade »Very Good« in the category »Rehab Clinics«. The medical quality, working conditions, finances and remuneration, compatibility of family and work as well as career prospects  were evaluated.

Learn more

Learn more about the individual areas in Passauer Wolf.

Around 1,700 staff members work together at Passauer Wolf in the areas of medicine, nursing, therapy, hospitality and administration. We will inform you about the individual areas and give you insights into our everyday work life, so that you can quickly and easily find the right position that suits you and your individual life situation.


We face the challenges that arise during rehabilitation together with our patients.

Learn more about the field of medicine here


As caregivers, we are part of the interdisciplinary team that effectively accompanies our guests on the path to recovery. We are direct points of contact, provide support and celebrate successes together.

Find out more about the nursing field here


We know that rehabilitation and therapy goals vary from person to person. That's why we do everything we can to provide our guests with tailored treatment.

Find out more about the therapy area here


Those who feel comfortable during rehab will find the recovery process easier. We know this. Hence, we keep an eye out for details and ensure a comfortable environment in our houses.

Find more about the field of hospitality here


In administration, there are a multitude of areas of responsibility that our guests do not always get to see. Here we ensure smooth processes behind the scenes of the clinic's everyday life.

Learn more about the administration area here

Secure your apprenticeship!

Are you looking for a training programme that advances, challenges and supports you? With Passauer Wolf, you have a strong and competent partner for your training. We will explain in detail the training opportunities you have with us.

Training at Passauer Wolf

We provide training in the fields of nursing, hospitality and administration. Find the right apprenticeship now and get started with us!

Find your apprenticeship position

Internship and career change

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Then apply now for our internship or career changer programme and become part of our team!

More on this

Training at the Passauer Wolf Vocational School for Physiotherapy

Your dream is to support other people on their journey to recovery as a physiotherapist? At Passauer Wolf Vocational School for Physiotherapy, you'll learn all the key skills needed for your future career from experienced lecturers in a practical manner. With us, you can either undergo training or embark on a dual degree course. Moreover, we guarantee at least five graduates an employment within the Passauer Wolf group every year.

Would you like to learn more about this? One click on the button gives you further insights and information about the training.

Good to know: We are partner of the Academy for Health Professions gGmbH in Rottalmünster.

Start your training

Further Education Opportunities

At Passauer Wolf you have the opportunity to continue your professional development. Experienced lecturers and trainers pass on their practical knowledge to you in a way that is relevant to everyday life. We offer advanced training courses for all health professions as well as exclusively for Passauer Wolf employees.

Passauer Wolf Education Centre for Health Professions

At the Passau Wolf Education Centre for Health Professions in Bad Gögging, we offer a regular training programme for physiotherapists, occupational therapists, doctors and nursing staff, as well as additional advancement opportunities exclusive to our employees.

Among the training opportunities

Your benefits as an
employee at Passauer Wolf

 Structured, individual

Remuneration according
to tariff

 Promotion of continuing
and further education

Secure job and
career opportunities

 Company pension scheme

Discounted health and
recreation offers

Assistance with flat hunting

Bicycle leasing
through the employer

What's new!

February 19, 2025​

Specialist day for therapy and care in Passau Wolf Bad Griesbach

Are you interested in a career in nursing or therapy? Regardless of whether you want to pursue training, further develop your professional career or start as a career changer - the skilled workers' day on February 19th (2 p.m. to 6 p.m.) in Passau's Wolf Bad Griesbach offers you insights and answers. Discover exciting career opportunities, make contacts and find out about nursing, speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

Christmas parties 2024

We have ended the year festively together

We ended the year together with mulled wine, delicious food and a festive atmosphere. Our Christmas parties were the perfect moment to look back on an eventful year, celebrate successes and the 45th anniversary of the Passauer Wolf and simply enjoy the community.

Germany Test

Top career opportunities at Passauer Wolf

The Passauer Wolf was rewarded for its commitment to creating a work environment for its employees that promotes professional growth, personal development and sustainable success. He received the “Top Career Opportunities 2024” award from Deutschland Test. In the category “rehab clinic operator” the Passauer Wolf achieved 100 out of a possible 100 points and is therefore the industry winner.

»Role model in diversity«

Passauer Wolf sets standards for a culture of responsible cooperation

In order to ensure that employees have the same opportunities regardless of origin, age, gender and life situation, Passauer Wolf actively promotes an inclusive corporate culture in which diversity is seen as a strength and equal opportunities are specifically promoted. For this commitment, the company has now been recognized as a “role model in diversity” by the F.A.Z. Institute.

Care in the Passauer Wolf

A career with prospects – at any age

Lateral entry, training or further education: Nursing at Passauer Wolf offers a wide range of career opportunities – regardless of age or previous education. At the age of 33, Paula Baisan decided on this career and trained as a nursing assistant at Wolf Bad Griesbach in Passau. Her age didn’t matter – neither for her nor for the company.

Insights into care

Facility tour of the PflegeregionPlus: Students visit the Passauer Wolf Bad Griesbach

As part of the PflegeregionPlus Passauer Land facility tour, 25 students from the Ruhstorf middle school visited the Passauer Wolf Bad Griesbach last Friday. The ninth graders received practical insights into the nursing profession and learned more about the training opportunities in the company. 

Speculative Application

Do you want to become part of the team, but the right job isn't available yet?
We'd be delighted to include you in our talent pool and contact you for suitable job offers in the future!

Select an option to upload your CV:
CV uploaded

Our Locations

Do you have any questions?

We're happy to take time for you!

Oliver Weithmann

Head of Human Resources 
Bad Griesbach

Susanna Gubo

Head of Human Resources
Bad Gögging

Angela Euringer

Human Resources Management

Gabriele Sporer

Secretariat Business Management